Richard and TED’s Excellent Adventure
Okay, titling this post “Richard and TED’s Excellent Adventure” is a bit corny, but it’s accurate too. My experience applying to, preparing for and presenting at my first TEDx event was a most excellent adventure! The quality of TEDxSnoIsleLibraries’ organization and coaching was superb and it was both a pleasure and an honor to speak alongside so many interesting and passionate people. If you’ve ever wanted to do a TED talk – more importantly, if you have an “idea worth spreading” (the official TED slogan), then I highly recommend getting in contact with a nearby TEDx event. (There are literally thousands of TEDx taking place around the world!)
What was my “idea worth spreading?” I spoke about how technology has transformed human intelligence throughout history and how it is likely to continue to do so well into the future. It’s just one small component of a new book I’m working on, which should be out in 2019. So think of this as an early peek!